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Foreign Legion 061
Under Foreign Command
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Foreign Legion 022
Foreign Legion 020

Format: 52min.
Director: Marc Eberle

DoP: Richard Ladkani
Locations: France, Vietnam, Cambodia

Networks: NDR/arte (2004)
Production Co.: Filmtank Hamburg

Under Foreign Command

At the end of the second world war, tens of thousands of former Nazi soldiers joined the French Foreign Legion to escape the grim aftermath of defeated Germany. They were sent to an exotic far away world unknown to them - Indochina.

Soon after the Great Indochina war broke out in 1954, the new paradise turned into an inferno. The great battle of Dhien Bien Phu, where one million north Vietnamese fought about 70.000 foreign legionaires became known as one of the most brutal of all times. 

Today, a handful of surviving  soldiers recount the dramatic years that led them from the ruins of Germany to the green hell of Indochina. Most look back with a light heart calling them the best years of their life, others feel remorseful of having sold their souls to the legion.


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